Performance will start at 2pm at CRLS Fitzgerald Theatre. Below table is the program:

开幕 – 舞狮 MIT舞狮队 团队主席: Elijah Van Ryck de Groot | Opening – Lion Dance MIT Lion Dance Team Team president: Elijah Van Ryck de Groot |
1. 大型舞蹈 – 茉莉花 波士顿华联舞蹈团 指导老师: 丛晓云, 杨宇婷,谢依娜 | 1. Group Dance – Jasmine Flower Boston Chinese United dance troupe Instructor: Xiaoyun Cong, Tina Yeung, Yina Xie |
2. 民乐合奏 – 拔根芦柴花,猪八戒背媳妇 波士顿丝竹民族室内乐团 | 2. Traditional Chinese Music Performance – Pulling a Root of Reed Flower, Pigsy Carrying His Wife Boston Silk and Bamboo Chamber Music Ensemble |
3. 双笛合奏 – 青春舞曲和达坂城的姑娘 Vivian and Antony Zhang 指导老师: 张正山 | 3. Traditional Chinese flutes (dizi) Ensemble – Song of Youth, The Girl from Dabancheng Vivian and Antony Zhang Instructor: Zhengshan Zhang |
4. 爵士古典旗袍舞 – 蝶梦情深 梦舞团 指导老师: Mia | 4. Jazz and Classical Qipao Dance – Ethereal Dream CJT dream dance Instructor: Mia |
5. 诗朗诵 – 木兰诗 熊猫幼儿园 | 5. Poetry Recitation – The Ballad of Mulan East Cambridge Panda Childcare Preschool |
6. 儿童舞蹈串烧 – 童趣舞台:中国舞,芭蕾舞,拉丁舞 波士顿中国乡土舞蹈团 指导老师: Rosemary Huang, Eva Liu, Tina Yeung | 6. Children’s Dance Medley – Stage of Childhood Joy: Chinese Dance, Ballet and Latin Dance Boston Chinese Folk Dance Instructor: Rosemary Huang, Eva Liu, Tina Yeung |
7. 模特秀 – 杏花诺 剑桥长青舞蹈团 指导老师: 趙令瑜 | 7. Chinese Qipao Show – A Splendid Promise Cambridge Evergreen Dance Group Instructor: Phil Loh |
8. 二胡演奏 – 中国 汉 张睿琪 | 8. Erhu Performance – China Han Ruiqi Zhang |
9. 维吾尔族舞蹈 – 石榴红了 ADA舞蹈学校 | 9. Uyghur Dance – Red Pomegranate Artisan Dance Academy |
10. 中国舞 – 抬龙王 MIT Flow舞蹈团 | 10. Chinese Dance – Raise the Dragon King MIT Flow |
11. 儿童短剧 – 农夫和蛇 莲之根 指导老师: 狄晓慧 | 11. Children’s Short Play – The Farmer and the Snake Lotus Root Instructor: Xiaohui Di |
12. 藏族舞蹈 – 扎西德勒 唐人街王基督教青年会中国舞团 指导老师: Olivia Lau | 12. Tibetan Dance – Tashi Delek Wang YMCA Chinese Dance Group Instructor: Olivia Lau |
13. 少儿武术,太极剑与古筝 武道武术学校 | 13. Kids Kung Fu Demo, Tai Chi Sword Performance with Guzheng Accompaniment Wu Dao Kung Fu & Tai Chi School (Martial arts); Mamie Zhou (Guzheng) |
14. 韩流舞蹈 – AYA CRLS高中 韩舞俱乐部 | 14. K-pop dance – AYA CRLS K-pop club dance crew |
15. 快板 – 孙悟空三打白骨精 麦子 | 15. Kuaiban (traditional Chinese rhythmic storytelling art) – Sun Wukong Battles the White Bone Spirit Three Times Chaby Zhang |
16. 器乐演奏 – 喜洋洋,APT 喜洋洋: Yeelan Zhou, Mamie Zhou, Isabella Liu, Sucena Almeida, Kaitlyn Tat, Callie Tat, Ryan Tao APT: Coco Yang, Entian Lee 指导老师: 丁艺 | 16. Instrumental Performance – Happy and Joyful, APT Happy and Joyful: Yeelan Zhou, Mamie Zhou, Isabella Liu, Sucena Almeida, Kaitlyn Tat, Callie Tat, Ryan Tao APT: Coco Yang, Entian Lee Instructor: Yi Ding |
17. 傣族舞蹈 – 孔雀 ADA舞蹈学校 | 17. Children‘s Dance – Peacock Artisan Dance Academy |
18. 少儿合唱 – 韩国新年歌 Dokyung Lee, Emily Wu, Henry Wu, Ian Lee, Yuehan Jiang, Mujiu Liu, 崔叮咚 指导老师: 이도경 | 18. Children‘s Choir – Korean Children’s Seollal Song Dokyung Lee, Emily Wu, Henry Wu, Ian Lee, Yuehan Jiang, Mujiu Liu, Dingdong Cui Instructor: Dokyung Lee |
19. 少儿蒙古舞 – 走马 剑桥华协儿童舞团 指导老师: Eva Liu | 19. Children’s Mongolian Dance – Riding Horses CAAC children‘s dance Troupe Instructor: Eva Liu |
20. 埃及肚皮舞 – Ahwak 熊丽,陈晋,悦玲 指导老师: Eva Liu | 20. Egyptian Belly Dance – Ahwak Li Xiong, Jin Chen, Ling Yue Instructor: Eva Liu |
21. 中国式摔跤演示 波士顿中国式蒙古式摔跤俱乐部 指导老师: Tye Tonkin | 21. Demonstration of Shuai Jiao, Chinese jacketed wrestling Boston Shuai Jiao Wrestling Instructor: Tye Tonkin |
22. 芭蕾舞 – 龙与凤 原创故事:Zhonghe Li 编舞:Cassie Wang 舞团:Asian American Ballet Project | 22. Ballet – The Dragon and the Phoenix Story: Zhonghe Li Choreographer: Cassie Wang Dance: Asian American Ballet Project |
23. 群舞 – 象王行 粉墨东方艺术团 指导老师: 付静雯 | 23. Group Dance – Rigorous Splendor Foremost Art Troupe Instructor: Isabella |
24. 甩手舞 – 青蛇 哈佛学联舞团 指导老师: 顾文欣 | 24. Waacking Dance – Serpent’s Scales HCSSA Dance Troupe Instructor: Candace |
25. 舞蹈 – 斗牛舞 步步高舞蹈队 指导老师: Jiri Zejda | 25. Dance – Paso Doble ALUP Dance Team Instructor: Jiri Zejda |
26. 合唱 – 友谊地久天长 剑桥华人协会合唱团 指导老师: 丛晓云 | 26. Choir – Friendship Forever CAAC Chorus Instructor: Xiaoyun Cong |
主持人:Eric Leslie,潘一可,张薇薇,张世杰,邹柠忆,楼秉文 | Master of Ceremonies: Eric Leslie, Dora Pan, Vivian Zhang, Antony Zhang, Claire Zou, Michael Lou |
Culture Fair will take place at CRLS Media cafeteria on Sunday Jan 26 from 12:30pm~2pm. As below is the list of the activities.
CAAC 剑桥华协 | Lunar New Year Dumpling Workshop ticket on sale only for today 过年包饺子活动 售票当日优惠 |
HL TEA & COFFEE 茶言啡语 | Fresh, Healthy, Flavorful Dessert and Drinks 新鲜 健康 美味 的点心和茶饮 |
Chasing the Dream 圆梦舞展 – 展台 | Do you think you can dance on the stage? 你有过梦想 上舞台跳舞吗? |
Russian School of Mathematics, RSM 俄罗斯数学培训学校 | Math games for children of different ages (K-5 Gr) 数学小游戏针对学前班到5年级的小朋友们 |
CAAC 剑桥华协 | Kids arts and crafts 儿童艺术手工 |
CAAC 剑桥华协 | Cambridge Community Dragon Boat Team Sign up 剑桥社区龙舟队招募 |
Hill Research AI (Speed up clinical trials by Generative AI ) 希尔研究人工智能(利用生成式人工智能加速临床试验研究) | Learn generative AI in French! (5 – 16years old) 0基础用法语学生成式AI(5-16岁) |
Pi Art 有点派艺术 | Join us in decorating your very own snake mask in celebration of the Lunar New Year. The snake represents intuitiveness and wisdom, while making your mask think about how you can carry these traits into your own life! 加入我们!手把手教你打造独一无二的的蛇年小面具,迎接农历新年的新装备!蛇年代表着敏锐直觉和智慧,当我们动手装饰面具的时候,让这些神奇力量成为生活的新灵感,新年好彩头! |
Harvard Brillante Academy 哈佛光慧書院 | Chinese calligraphy, origami, or Chinese paper cutting 寫春聯,教書法,摺紙或剪紙 |
New York Life Insurance Company 纽约人寿保险公司 | We provide services for family financial planning and we also have wonderful gifts. 新年小礼物赠送;来了解家庭理财计划 |
CACC 剑桥华协 | Tanghulu, taste of the happiness! 冰糖葫芦,酸酸甜甜,都是童年的味道 |
LEARN Labs of the Harvard Graduate School of Education LEARN实验室, 哈佛大学教育学院研究生院 | At the Harvard LEARN Labs, we offer multiple opportunities for you and your children to participate in fun research activities both in local lab spaces or online, alongside compensation for your family’s time. 在哈佛大学的LEARN实验室,我们为您和孩子们提供共同参与充满乐趣的科学研究活动的机会。您可以前往实验室体验线下互动,也可以在家中轻松参与线上研究。我们将为您家庭的宝贵时间和参与提供相应的补偿。 |
The Robo Hub | Robo Dog and Robotics Kits display and interaction 机器狗表演,体验机器人教学套件 |
NT Development 泽远南方房地产开发 | NT Development is a real estate development company holding a CSL builder license’s “NT Builder” has more than 10 years of construction experience in Boston. At present, we are open for debt and equity investment projects. Meanwhile, we offer contracting expansion, remodeling, torn-down reconstruction and other customized decoration services. 泽远南方建筑是一家持有CSL建筑商执照的房地产开发公司旗下「南方建筑」在波士顿已有10年以上的建筑经验。目前我们对外开放债权股权投资项目,承包扩建、改建、推倒重建等全屋定制装修服务 |
Newton Face Painting 牛顿面部彩绘 | New Year Face Painting for Special $5. Don’t miss the deal. 新年特价$5彩绘不可错过. 新年图案: 年年有鱼, 除旧迎新,柿柿如意,烟花,蝴蝶等。 |
American Education and Thinking Academy 美育思教育 | Learn more about American Education and Thinking Academy‘s programs helping college admissions, private school applications, summer school planning, or test preparation for SAT, AP, ISEE/SSAT etc. 美育思教育—为学生未来奠定基础,助力学术成就与人生规划! 我们专注于提升学生的综合能力,提供从英文阅读写作到大学规划申请的全方位辅导服务。无论是大学规划,私立学校申请、夏校计划,还是SAT、AP、ISEE/SSAT等考试辅导,我们都能为您提供量身定制的专业指导,帮助学生实现卓越,成就未来! |
ASC A+ Program Summer School ASC A+ Program夏校 | Learn more about ASC A+ Summer School program 小,中,高教育培訓 |
MIT Lion Dance MIT舞狮队 | Take some photos with lion heads and share the Lunar New Year scense with your family and friends 来和舞狮狮子服一起拍照,把春节的气氛分享给你的家人和朋友们 |
Ruiqi Zhang – Erhu 张睿琪 | Come and try playing Erhu one of the most amazing Chinese Traditional music instruments 来试试拉二胡,最神奇的中国传统乐器之一 |
Asian American Ballet Project 亚裔芭蕾舞项目 | AABP will be performing on the stage of Cambridge Lunar New Year Celebration event – drop by and say hi! |
ADA – Forsyth Faculty Associates Dental Clinic 美国口腔医学会-福赛思口腔研究所-教授联盟口腔诊所 | For Information or to Make an Appointment: Phone number: 617.892.8245 Email address: FFA@FORSYTH.ORG |